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Well I was partying hard yesterday on Christmas day, that i didnt get a chance to post. But i had a blast. Lolz anyways I am currently looking for a trader to trade me for Combact Sambo, an Pa kau Kwon scrolls. I also had no pictures to post about Rumble Fighter, instead i thoke a picture of me getting ready to head to a party. Go Dj! Thats my Dj! Lolz...
Merry Late Christmas To All!!!
What a lovely day it is, don't you think so? The eating is the best part of the day in my opinion. Anyways earlier this morning was on Rumble Fighter. There was this little brat kid named Gentlemen12. He decided to start talking crap, but in the end I putted him in his place. Recently ive been getting some weird pop ups. Im sure u all have aswell, sence its going around in the forums. Yes I do go on the forums at least once every two days. I dont bother posting anymore, because there are so much idiots on it. Well ima go eat my turkey now.
Happy Thanksgiving to all...
Gentleman12 Losing to me
Weird Pop Ups
Ruining Nhaa rooms is fun. When your tired of playing moving screen or battle. You just ruin Nhaa rooms.Head to the top or bottom. Wait for them to do there ceremonial dance. Once they do that you get your spamming excore out, and start spamming on the 10th second. Funneist thing ever. Especially when they all start running around going "OMG!!!" Lolz. Ganna go ruin some more Nhaa rooms. Ill take some screenys for yal. Laterz...
Well last weeks update was fine. New stage, and excore. I'm willing to trade for the new excore. If anyone is interested, don't be shy to leave a comment on my little shout out box. we can set up a time an day to make the trade. Enuf of that, Latley i've been busy, which keeps me from playing Rumble Fighter. Good times messen up Nhaa rooms, spamming Yaki excore, hanging out with friends, and training with friends. But there were also bad times. PaoMagic/Mom was banned, alot more complainers, sore losers, and people who try to be a smart ass. Which leads to another topic. Ever heard of a guy named Hagul? If not, his old named was Jokbo I believe. Hes pretty much known in the fourms, for his dumb reportings. Probably one of the reasons why PaoMagic is currently Banned. But this guy is known for trying to catch every little thing you do, and uses it as Black Mail. Personally I used to be friends with this guy untill I found out hes just a smart ass, all knowing nerd. Ah well, REST IN PEACE PAO MAGIC Crashing a NHAA Room on the third Round
Spaming Yaki
Who Won?
Lipstick on a pig
Hugal the Nerd
Well first off, I would like to thank the person who traded with me. Yesterday I was offering 87K, today i was offering 90K. I only raised it by 3K. Anyways was testing the new items out. At the moment, I will admit I do suck with these items. So used to being a Soul Fighter, having so much speed and jump. In Time I shall improve. I hope the person who traded with me, sees this. If you are Thank You so very much for trading with me. Well I am done with Rumble Fighter for today. Peace Outz
Well once again I am trading. Although this week's update sucked. I want other Astro items that have came out awhile ago. I am trading for reasonable prices. 87K is what I am trading. So you guys out there who wishes to trade me, make a list of what u want. I want Capoeria, Yaki cannon, and 2029 Combact Top and Bottom (Male). Must I remind you guys I do not do first trades. Hope you guys have enuf Astros for all im asking for. Thank you for your time.
Not much to say today. Looking forward to tomorrows update. I'm guessing it will be a excore item sence a scroll came out the last 3 weekz. Mostly likely it will be a excore. Same stuff on Rumble Fighter. If tomorrows update is good, Traders out there, keep a look out for me, Cuz ive been saving up for such good updates. Thats if it is a good update. In the meantime Ima go play pimp with my lady friends.
Well i got tired of my name being Lucfier. If u noticed my name was spelled wrong. So i used a name changer. My new name is now iLucifer. only thing im worried about is that i think there is a I-Guild. For example , there is a iSmile an iBright and so on. Lol it will be funny if they mistaken me.
Finally found someone to trade with. Over time I changed my mind abit, and not only wanted Devil Shadow excore, I also asked for Devil Wings. He happily traded me, no questions asked. Hope next update is good. Im saving up for it. Rumors are...Dragon scroll is going to come out. But I think its going to suck. Almost the same thing as Jeet.Well we will see this week.
Well then, its been about I donno 3-4 hours ive been trying to find someone to trade with. No luck, But anyone out there who wants to trade me for the Devil Shadow Excore. Add me and say "I want to trade with you". Or else ill just delete you. Im trading 29K worth items. Whatever you like. Just to let you guys know now. I DO NOT DO FIRST TRADEZ. Tellin You this now so we dont have any questions about who goes first. I bet your thinking, Oh he will just scam me. Nope not at all, i have no desires of scamming you what so ever. Besides if i ever did scam you. You have every right to ban my ass from Rumble Fighter. Besides Lucfier is my main account, And i wouldnt want it to be banned.So ya, Anyways like i said Add me an say you wanna trade. Remeber that I DO NOT DO FIRST TRADEZ. Thank You for your time.
Well I was looking for a demolition room untill I finally found one. But these two guys were tellin people in the room about getting free astros. Of course this is to good to be true. Free? Common you have to be really stupid to fall for this. But anyways sadly i dont remember what the guys names were. But he was advertising a website. The website ,Noticed the tk? Instead of it being .com. Well that was the link he was advertising, saying that it is a secret Rumble Fighter event. Prize was sapousally to get "200 free astros if u log in".This is a Load of BULLSHIT. Most importantly the website they advertise looks exactly like the original ogplanet website. Be aware of scams like this.